EE290O | Deep multi-agent reinforcement learning with applications to autonomous traffic

Course Schedule / Syllabus

Event Date Description Course Materials
Lecture R 8/23 1b. Multi-agent systems. Introduction to reinforcement learning. Course overview. [slides]
H0 R 8/23 Homework 0 released [Hw0]
H1 8/28 Homework 1 released [Homework 1]
Lecture 8/28 2a. Deep RL and Markov Decision Processes. [slides]
Sutton and Barton, Ch 3
Lecture 8/30 Traffic control and dynamics. Microscopic models. Macroscopic models. Formulating MDPs. [slides]
Treiber and Kesting, Ch 6.1 to 6.3, 10.1 & 10.2, and 11.3
Discussion Flow, SUMO, OpenAI Gym setup [slides]
links to tutorials
Lecture 9/4 Tabular MDPs. Value iteration. Policy iteration. [slides]
Sutton and Barton, Ch 4.1-4.4
Lecture 9/6 Math review. Linear algebra. Calculus review. Matrix calculus. Basic optimization (GD, SGD). [slides]
Lecture 9/11 Introduction to Neural Networks [slides]
Link 1
Link 2
Lecture 9/13 Approximate Dynamic Programming [slides]
H1 9/13 Homework 1 due
H2 9/13 Homework 2 released
Lecture 9/18 Traffic data, and estimation [slides]
Treiber and Kesting, Ch 16
Lecture 9/20 Traffic congestion [slides]
Treiber and Kesting, Ch 15
Lecture 9/25 Policy optimization: Derivative-free methods + Finite Difference Methods [slides]
H2 9/27 Homework 2 due
H3 9/27 Homework 3 released
Lecture 9/27 Policy optimization: Policy Gradients I [slides]
Lecture 10/2 Policy optimization: Policy Gradients II
Lecture 10/4 Cooperative Multi-agent RL: Nash Equilibria, Non-stationarity, Multi-agent architectures, Project Introductions
Project 10/9 Project Proposals due
Lecture 10/9 Advanced Cooperative Multi-agent RL: Techniques for handling non-stationarity
Lecture 10/11 Monte-Carlo Tree Search
Lecture 10/16 Project Proposal Presentations
Lecture 10/18 Advanced Cooperative Multi-agent RL: Hierarchical RL, Self-play, GANs
H3 10/18 Homework 3 due
H4 10/18 Homework 4 released
Lecture 10/23 Policy optimization: Policy Gradients III
Lecture 10/25 Exploration + Reward shaping
Lecture 10/30 Best practices in RL
Lecture 11/1 Introduction to Game Theory
H4 11/1 Homework 4 due
11/6 No Class
11/8 No Class
Lecture 11/13 Lecture from Flow team
Project 11/13 Project Update Due
Lecture 11/15 Guest lecture
11/20 Open Project Office Hours
11/22 Thanksgiving | No Class
11/27 Guest lecture or Open Project Office Hours
11/29 Guest lecture or Open Project Office Hours
12/04 RRR
12/06 Project paper / Presentations
12/11 Finals Week
12/13 Finals Week